You can add sound to a slideshow to enrich the experience of your visitors.
Go to the Organizer, open the album you want to customize and select Customize Album.
Click Customize Album to open the settings window and select the Slideshow tab.
Find the option Upload your own background audio for slideshow and click Upload Audio.
Choose the audio files you want to upload. You can upload the following formats: MP3, WAV, WMA. Be aware that you must own or have third-party rights to any audio that you upload and share in SlickPic. Please make sure you read the full terms and conditions before uploading any audio files.
When the files have uploaded, you will see them in the window.
The audio files will play automatically when the slideshow option is selected in the gallery. When viewing a slideshow with audio, the viewer will have the option to mute sound.
This may vary from browser to browser. In some cases the audio will start playing automatically, in other cases you would need to start the slideshow manually in order for the audio to play.