When you create a new album in your organizer it will not automatically appear on your website, the newly created albums should be added to your website through your website builder.
Adding one album as a separate website page
Open your website manager from the top navigation menu and click “Edit”.
After opening your website builder, click “Add Page” from the left sidebar to add a new page to your website
Select the page theme as “Portfolio” and click the “Change Album” button to add your new album
Select the album you want to add from the album list menu. Additionally, you can set different layouts and view settings to your album photos from the same pop-up window.
Change the page name from the left sidebar, when you change the text in the box, slug and name on the website navigation menu will change automatically.
Adding multiple albums as an album grid
Click “Add Page” from the left sidebar and select the “Page Theme” as “Galleries”. Then click “Select Albums” and select the albums you want to add from the “Galleries” window.
Once you finish adding your albums, click “Publish” and select “Publish all Pages”, and they will be “Live” to view