Open the Website Builder by selecting Website from the navigation menu. Then click Edit Website.
Now, highlight the piece of text where you would like to add the link, and click the link icon on the menu strip.
Adding Text or image Links
On the left, you have the settings window where you have different options for editing your link. To add an external website link, simply copy the url into the URL box.
To link from your website to another page in your website, or to one of your SlickPic albums, choose from Album or Pages in the settings menu and select it from the dropdown.
In the same way, you can add links to images. Simply highlight the image in the Website Builder and add the url in the settings window on the left.
Choose to open the link on the same page or a new tab. Just select it in the Target dropdown in settings.
Previewing your Changes
To see how your site looks with the link inserted, click the preview icon in the top-right menu.
Note that some sites that don’t allow redirects (YouTube, Vimeo, Paypal) will not work in the preview, but they will work fine on your live site.
Removing a Link
You can remove your link at any time by selecting Remove Link from the menu.
It’s a good idea to check the links on your site are working from time to time and update them if any of them have expired.