MobiAlbums allows you to share your photo albums as web apps, optimized for mobile viewing. Once shared, your recipients can save the album as an app on their home screen, providing one-tap access to ...
How to Upload an Album
Go to the Organizer and click the Upload button. The Upload page will open, where you can drag and drop your photos, or Select from your computer to add from there. While you are waiting for your phot...
How to Share One Photo
Navigate to the Organizer tab. Click on an Album to select it, then click on a photo in your album to select it. Click on the blue button in the upper right corner of the page to Share This Photo. Thi...
How to Share an Album
Open an album in the Organizer. Sharing an Album In the upper right corner of the page, click on Share This Album. This launches a dialog where you can choose to Send by Email, Post on Social Networks...
How to Share Albums Securely
Go to the Organizer and open the album you want to share. Choose Unlisted from the privacy options in the top dropdown. This means your album will be invisible in the public gallery (though you will s...